Here are my thoughts on how to make Bluetooth technology so easy to use.
Bluetooth Fans loyal techies like stepping into the world. But ... Bluetooth does not mean that some improvements that could make things better.
For example: Why is the mouse and other Bluetooth devices often require a USB adapter is sold in most laptops today with the original Bluetooth technology? I find it very difficult to obtain mice with the native Bluetooth-working. It's really very funny, did not seek to connect or disconnect the adapter or prevent rejection when preparing a presentation.
In a more general level, it seems that the easiest way to contact and the use of Bluetooth is very good. It is quite normal, or has some way to go?
I think many can sympathize with the plight of usability via Bluetooth. Many use the first generation of Bluetooth devices way too much power and has become more of batteries. In the latest products, some suppliers seem to abandon the rules, such as Logitech, which have a part of their connection to a Bluetooth headset or other suppliers that do not use or not use the same standards of support A2DP as standard stereo headphones. In mice, as you said you have some of the same kind of questions.
In addition to these key issues of separation in most Bluetooth devices appear to be small and difficult to use. Nei almost in cui non alla costruzione di alcuni selettivamente mouse Logitech Bluetooth wireless mouse Receivers che sono i piccoli semper così che non sono di andare minaccia pericolosi e mettere il vostro benessere of Laptop computer / Ricevitore. And do not forget the easiest way to connect a mouse - a mouse with cable, which always knows when it is connected and when not, and does not need to worry about batteries.
In general, there is the problem (s) "to the device (laptop, mouse, headphones, cases, phone, etc.) are including all the software providers (eg, drivers) in the Bluetooth software on the device. For example, a headset with a phone function, but not with a pair of HP PDA, but the PDA is an HP laptop for a couple of Internet access.
Second attempt to explain to someone who is basically technical and should not really be necessary, ie, the device must meet the expectations of users to operate and integrate support for software vendors, but this means the addition of slope more in the form of additional software.
So I think doing all devices have all the software and support is always available or that the packaging / manual on what makes the device - CSR, which supplies 80% of Bluetooth chips could be better targeted market and help make this clear message from the advertiser and out to the end user. The country benefits and CSR.
Another problem that Bluetooth support in Windows is very little support so far with a limited profile. This has meant that suppliers must provide a Bluetooth stack your device, and due to licensing issues, which means they offer a Bluetooth dongle.
You may be lucky to get a laptop with the same Bluetooth stack provided by the manufacturer of the peripheral, but it's Pot Luck if you do not know what to look for. The most common battery Toshiba, BlueSoleil and Widcomm, but they all require licenses in the Bluetooth adapter for the full functionality of the building. Vista has better support Bluetooth, you can alleviate the problem began.
Often heard concerns the batteries in question. My brother and his wife have Bluetooth headsets for each of their mobile phones. It did not take long to realize the battery life is too miserable to the point of uselessness, and the process of detection and connection is a real pain in the ear.
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